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>> Friday, November 25, 2011


 Electronic and gift articles made in China have flooded the world market, 49-99 shops in India and Dollar stores in the USA, live off the produce of China. China, too, adds up to the number 15, the meaning of which is:

Number 15:

This is the most successful number. Success in business, domestic life and  finance is indicated. It is good as a trade mark number.

Madras added up to a similar number, and hence was a progressive Metropolis, however on changing to Chennai it came on the number 25 the meaning of which is

Number 25:

This is a number denoting strength gained through experience and benefits obtained through observations of people and things. It is not deemed exactly "lucky", this number is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others, ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading

We all know the path Madras has taken after changing to Chennai, what with the Tsunami and other torrential floods ravaging the region.

Mumbai was known as Bombay this totals up to the number 17 the meaning of which is:

Number 17:

This is highly spiritual number and is expressed in symbolism by the 8-pointed Star of Venus: a symbol of "Peace and Love' It is also called "the Star of the Magi" and expresses that the person it represents has risen superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of his life or his career. It is considered a "Number of immortality" and that the person's name  "lives after him". It is a fortunate number if it works out in relation to future events provided it is not associated with the single numbers of 4 and 8.

But in any city, there would be thousands and lakhs of 4 & 8
Number people.

Mumbaii or Mumbaai would add up to Number 19, which totals to Number 1, that represents the Sun, the Creative force. As we all know, the Sun gives light and life to the whole universe.

The meaning of Number 19 is as follows:

Number 19:

19 - This number is regarded as fortunate and extremely favorable. It is symbolized as "the Sun" and is called "the Prince of Heaven". It is a number promising happiness. Success, esteem and honor, and triumph in one's plans for the future.

Sun also represents some of the most famous people, known to lead in their respective fields such as the richest men, Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani,  Indira Gandhi, Lata Mangeshkar, Sanjeev Kapoor, Shiamak Davar, Hrithik Roshan, Sunil Gavaskar, Ratan Tata, Sushmita Sen, Aishwarya Rai etc.

Kashmir if spelt as suggested by us since 2003 as Kashmier would add to Number 23 which has the meaning as follows:

Number 23:

This number is called “the Royal Star of the Lion”. It is a promise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. In dealing with future events it is a most fortunate number and a promise of success for one’s plans.

23=5, represents Mercury, the fastest planet, and Dubai, which till some years ago was a desert, now is an oasis brimming with life and activity, also adds to # 5, so does The United States of America.

Incidentally, thanks to the media, the Indian Army has already started following our suggestion and has been using ‘Kashmier’ in their website. {www.armyinkashmir.nic.in}

When so many ploys to bring peace in the valley have failed, including Mushraf Summit, why not try to alter the spellings of Kashmir? If it does work, then we are talking of saving thousands of lives.

With due respects to the great Bard, who once said, ‘What’s in a Name’, we beg to differ, and our retort would be ‘Lots in a Name’ as while William Shakespeare is still not amongst us, his name certainly is!

'SHAKY 26TH!TRAGEDY STRUCK AGAIN ON A 26TH, Mumbai terror attacks'

8, SATURN, SHANI , Good, Bad or Ugly
A Numerological Peep'
Again tragedy struck on the 26th, when Mumbai was attacked by terrorists, like never before. Let’s peep into what the numbers have to say, be it the repetitive trage’dies’ happening on 26th, or Mumbai’s vulnerable name spellings.To top it, India is its 62nd year of Independence, and 62= 8 again!
Mumbai’s Number: 18
Meaning of Number 18

“It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling, a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their open mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them". It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars or by wars.

It, is however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from water, fire and explosion.

When this "compound number" appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.”

Places such as Srinagar, Kashmir, Gujarat and Srilanka all add up to the same number 18 the meaning of which is given above. Previously Mumbai was known as Bombay this adds up to the number 17 the meaning of which is

Number 17:

This is highly spiritual number and is expressed in symbolism by the 8-pointed Star of Venus: a symbol of "Peace and Love' It is also called "the Star of the Magi" and expresses that the person it represents has risen superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of his life or his career. It is considered a "Number of immortality" and that the person's name  "lives after him". It is a fortunate number if it works out in relation to future events provided it is not associated with the single numbers of 4 and 8.But in any city, there would be so many 4 or 8 individuals.

Mumbaii or Mumbaai would add up to Number 19, which totals to Number 1, that represents the Sun, the Creative force. As we all know, the Sun gives light and life to the whole universe.

The meaning of Number 19 is as follows:

Number 19:

19 - This number is regarded as fortunate and extremely favorable. It is symbolized as "the Sun" and is called "the Prince of Heaven". It is a number promising happiness. Success, esteem and honour, and success is one's plans for the future.

Sun also represents some of the most famous people such as the richest man, Bill Gates, Abhinav Bindra, Lata Mangeshkar, Hrithik Roshan, Dara Singh, Sunil Gavaskar, Mukesh & Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, Aishwarya Rai etc.

Number 8 people {Saturn}:

People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th in any month are termed as Number 8 people, ruled by the planet Saturn. The number 8 rules Capricorns, Aquarians and Librans too.

COMMENTS: Number 8 people {Saturn}:

Saturn is usually a planet which take trials and tribulations, and after which, eventually rewards the person amply.

Usually the first half of a number 8 is associated with struggle. The second half however compensates for the first. Sometimes it is vice versa.

With the struggle, Saturn also gifts with will power and determination.

Unless born in a wealthy family, number 8 persons usually have to work a little harder than usual to get what they deserve.

Number 8 people will find the numbers of “fours”, and “eight” drawn toward them and playing an important role in all their affairs, and Dates such as 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st or any numbers that total up to the root of the 4 and 8. They must instead avoid these Numbers and dates for anything important, as such Numbers are unlucky for them.

Sourav Ganguly, a number 8 is a classic case of Number 8. As soon as 2006 {8} came in, he suddenly lost the huge pedestal he ruled for so many years. To top it, he entered his 35th {8} year too during the same period, and had to literally sit out during most of his 35th year. Ditto with Saturn ruled Capricorn, Rahul Dravid, who very suddenly declined from captaincy, and soon faced loss of form, again in his 35th year too!

Saturn ruled Libran, Shewag wasn’t doing well with Jersey # 44, and in fact, ironically, though being a specialist 1 Day player, his averages in the shorter version of the game is a dismal 29 as opposed to around a healthy 52 in Test cricket, where he doesn’t have to don a Number 44.

{Thankfully, better sense prevailed as after our suggestion, he has taken off 44}

Vajpayee, a Capricorn, also ruled indirectly by 8 also found 4 unlucky, becoming PM for 13 days, then 13 months, then lost the assembly elections after the results were out on the 13th {4}.

Bjp again lost the last elections to congress and Ncp, as the elections were held on the 13th!

The best remedy for them is to alter their spellings and bring it on 1,3,5 or 6. Some # 8’s have done pretty well, especially when their named added to such Numbers by default. For instance, Dr Manmohan Singh adds to # 1; Roger Federer to 5, Raveena Tandon to 6.

Shilpa Shetty and Dimple Kapadia, are amongst Number 8. {Both 08/06}

In China, however, 8 is considered to be a lucky #; no wonder the Olympics are slated for 08/08/2008, and the compound is 8 too.
The word for "eight" in Chinese (Pinyin: bâ) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth" (short for Pinyin). In regional dialects the words for "eight" and "fortune" are also similar, eg Cantonese "baat" and "faat".
There is also a resemblance between two digits, "88", and the shuang xi ('double joy'), a popular decorative design composed of two stylized characters (xi, 'joy', 'happiness').
Telephone number 8888-8888 was sold for USD$270,723 in Chengdu, China.
However even in China there have been many earthquakes on dates adding to 8. In fact on 09/10/2005, we had predicted {in Mid-Day} that on 26/11/2005, there was a possibility of such a disaster. Very unfortunately, there was a huge quake in China on that very date. Actually, that date was triply ruled by Saturn, as it was firstly on a Shaniwar {Saturday}, to top it, the date was 26 {26=8} and 26+11+2005=8 too!

The Tsunami which took over 2,00,000 lives and destroyed so many other lives also was triply riddled by 8 as it happened in the Saturn ruled Capricorn period, and 26=8; 26+12+2004= 8 too!

Mumbai faced its worst natural calamity on 26/07/2005. the compound was a 4 {26+07+2005=4}. Exactly two years later, on the 26th of July this year {also a Shaniwar, Saturday, day of Saturn} the bomb blasts rocked Ahemedabad taking so many innocent lives.

In Bhuj, Gujarat, a huge quake took thousands of lives on 26/01. then on 08/10/2005, which was also a Shaniwar or Saturday,  Pakistan and Srinagar lost more than 60,000 lives. The Malegaon blasts happened on 08/09 too and the Jaipur blast on 13/05.


One may continue with daily chores but try and avoid doing something very important such as starting of a new venture, getting engaged or married etc on a date adding to 8. Infact Vipul Amrutlal Shah who consulted for Singh Is Kinng also had a paid premier on the 07.08.2008 at PVR Juhu before the film’s release on 08.08.08.

Sri Lanka = Mumbai = Kashmir = Gujarat = Srinagar = 18 = Explosions!

 Six Sri Lankan cricketers were injured on Tuesday and five of their bodyguards killed in the first-ever deadly terrorist ambush in the history of the sport, known ironically as the Gentleman’s game. This cowardly terrorist attack comes close on the heels of the gruesome 26/11 Mumbai attack. So were there any similarities in them, considering the fact that the weapons used were of the same kind?

Let’s take a look into what the Numbers game reveal.

Both India and Pakistan have been at the epicenter of terrorism like never before, what with the two countries in their 62nd year of Independence, since 1947 {62=8, Saturn, Shani, planet of trials, tribulations}. While President Zardari is a # 8 {26/07}, their PM, Gillani, whose name adds to 8 too, is the 26th Prime Minister!

While Mumbai attacks were carried out on the 26th = 8 and lasted for 62 = 8 hours, the compound date of the attack on Srilanka was 3/3/2009 = 8 too.

If we look back at the different tragedies, both natural and man made, a similar pattern comes before us. In fact on 09/10/2005, we had predicted {in Mid-Day} that on 26/11/2005, there was a possibility of a disaster. Very unfortunately, there was a huge quake in China on that very date. Actually, that date was triply ruled by Saturn, as it was firstly on a Shaniwar {Saturday, day of Saturn}, to top it, the date was 26 {26=8} and 26+11+2005=8 too!

The Tsunami which took over 2, 00,000 lives was triply riddled by 8 too as it happened in the Saturn ruled Capricorn period, and 26=8; 26+12+2004= 8 too!

Mumbai faced its worst natural calamity on 26/07/2005. Exactly two years later, on the 26th of July last year {also a Saturday}, deathly bomb blasts rocked Ahmedabad taking so many innocent lives.

In Bhuj, Gujarat, a huge quake took thousands of lives on 26/01. Then on 08/10/2005, which was also a Saturday, Pakistan and Srinagar lost more than 60,000 lives. The Malegaon blasts happened on 08/09 too.

Sri Lanka, Mumbai, Srinagar, Kashmir and Gujarat all add up to the same number 18, which represents Mars, the red, fiery planet that can be seen with the naked eye; Mars or Mangal is also known as the planet of War.

Mars doesn’t gel with # 8, Saturn and # 5 Mercury too. While Mercury, as seen in a thermometer can rise with little heat, Mars on the other hand is fierce and fiery.

Meaning of Number 18:

It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling, a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their open mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them". It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars or by wars.

It, is however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from ‘water’, ‘fire’ and ‘explosion’.”

While Mumbai that adds to 18, and had a stormy affair with the floods on 26/11, the terror attacks were carried out on 26/11. Gujarat faced the Godhra tragedy on 26/02. Srinagar lost thousands of lives on 08/10, and Srilanka the Tsunami on 26/12.

Incidentally, Benazir’s son’s name, Bilawal Zardari Bhutto adds to 18 too, which leaves him vulnerable to attacks too!

On the brighter side, the Srilankan team was attacked on a date whose compound number was 8, but had it been on a proper number 8, things could have been worse.

Srilanka totals to 9, its team was attacked in Lahore which totals to the number 5, and 5 and 9 are not compatible.

Benazir Bhutto was a Gemini, ruler of which is # 5, Mercury, and 9 played a very tragic role in her life {and death}.
Her year of birth, 1953=9, as well as her date of birth total, 21+06+1953=9; date of assassination, 27th=9, as well as that year 2007;
Her husbands name, Asif Ali Zardari adds up to 36 = 9.

His DOB, 26-7-1956 = 9. They married on 18th; her marriage affected her political career.
Bilawal Zardari Bhutto adds to 18 too. She faced criminal charges of 1.5 billion $ which is Rs 90 Billion=9. Her age when she died was 54 years=9.

Another example of this would be Veerappan whose name added to 5 {41}. He was killed on the 18th (1+8=9} largely due to the operations led by B Vijay Kumar whose name adds up to the number 9 too.

Iraq totals to 5 whereas Iran totals to 9.
Whew, Numero-logic!

ABRAHAM      LINCOLN     assassinated:
        1221514        3153735
          16=7           27=9   Total combination = 16

The meaning of no 16 is:

16: ”This number has a most peculiar occult symbolism. It is pictured by ‘a Tower with a Crown on his head.’ It is also called ‘the Shattered Citadel.’

It gives warning of some strange fatality awaiting one, also danger of accidents and defeat of one’s plans. If it appears as a ‘compound’ number relating to the future, it is a warning sign that should be carefully noted and plans made in advance in the endeavor to avert its fatalistic tendency.”


JOHN   F    KENNEDY     assassinated:
    1 7 5 5   8  2 5 5 5 5 4 1
            18-9     8        27=9     9 + 8 + 9 = 26

The meaning of no 26 is:

26: “This number is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; run, by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions, and bad advice.

It comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading. It should not be associated with 4 or 8” But he was assassinated on the 22nd and 22=4!


Benazir was a Gemini, whose ruler is No 5 of Mercury, and 5 does not gel with 9 of Mars. Hence 9 was amongst her unluckiest Numbers.

We would like to show you the implications No 9 has had on Benazir Bhutto’s life.  The numbers show the hidden influences that play in the destiny of the individual.

1    Her year of Birth: 1953        =    9
2    Her Date of Birth: 21-06-1953    =    9
3    Assassinated in the year 2007    =    9
4    Date of assassination 27th Dec    =    9
5    Her husband’s name
        Asif Ali  Zardari            =    9
        1318 131 7124121 adds up to 36    =    9

6    His D O B:  26-7-1956        =    9
7    They married: 18th Dec        =    9 {Her marriage affected her political career}

    9    Her son’s name:
        BILAWAL       ZARDARI     BHUTTO
        2131613          7124121         256447
           17=8        18=9        28=1
                 8+9+1    =18    =    9 The meaning of his newly acquired name that adds to 18 is:

18. “This number is pictured as ‘a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them’. It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, and revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars.

It is, however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from water, fires, and explosions.” Which leaves him vulnerable to attempts on his life too! Further glaring instances of no 9 in her life

10    She went into self-imposed Exile in 1998    =    9
11    She faced criminal charges of 1.5 billion $
       Which is Rs90 billion                  =    9
12    Her age, 54 years at the time of her death                    =    9

13    We shall now look into the intricacies of the calculation of her name in numerology :

    B E N A Z I R   B H U T T O
    2 5 5  1 7  1 2    2 5  6 4 4  7    =  51    = 6
And the meaning of Number 51 in numerology is:

51 :  “This number has a very powerful potency of its own. It represents the nature of the warrior; it promises sudden advancement in whatever one undertakes; it is especially favorable for those in military or naval life and for leaders in any cause. At the same time it threatens enemies, danger, and the likelihood of assassination”.

Remarkably, (and unfortunately) another great person who carried the vibrations of No 51, and who was also assassinated is none other than the Father of our Nation:

Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar is lucky to be on the right path of Numerology ! He is No 9 (9/9/); rocking since last year when 2007=9. A Virgo ruled by No 5, he is rocking in his 41st year (41=5). All his recent hits Numerically corrected ! Namastey London. Heyy Babyy. Bhool Bhulaiyaa ! Welcome, by default added up well. Watch out for another Block-buster, Singh Is Kinng, also Numerically corrected by us! 'Khatron Ke Khiladi', the show that has fast become the trump card of new channel, 'COLORS' adds to 5, one of his lucky #’s too!

Khali : 27-8-1972

 Indian WWF champ, Khali, born on 27/8/1972. 27th=9. 9+8+1972=9 too ! Double 9. No 9, Mars, fiery planet of war& energy ! Bruce Lee, Salman Khan, Bhagat Singh, Akshay Kumar, Irfan Pathan, Munaf Patel, Sonia Gandhi etc 9. Arians ruled by 9 of Mars. Malcom Marshall, Hitler, Jackie Chan r Arians. Marshal was triple 9 as 18th born. 18+04+1958=9 too! No wonder he was the most feared West Indian pace bowler .To top it, Khali is in his 36th year ! 36=9! No wonder he is making waves! Till last year, most of us didn’t know about him.


Michael Phelps : 30-06-1985

 The Numbers game once again, for your eyes only:

Michael Phelps, Record Olympics Gold medalist was born on 30/06/1985. A # 3, governed by Jupiter, biggest of all planets, Planet of Wealth and prosperity, his Compound Number is 5, Mercury, {30+6+1985=5} (fastest) planet of speed. His lucky number is also 6, Venus, {3, 6, 9 form a family of number’s, but if Gemini or Virgo, 9 may not be lucky) which is the planet of fame. He is in his 24th year, {24=6}. His name adds to 9, Mars, planet of energy. He is a Cancerian, a Water Sign, and excelled in swimming, a Water sport!


It has been 1 year since we lost our guiding Light, our Father, Mr Bansilal M Jumaani. He not only shaped our life, but with his remarkable command in Numerology, he had managed to change the lives of thousands of people.

He single handedly revived this age old science {around 5000 year old} in India, which is a haven to such an art and culture.

Based on his experience on the subject, I would like to present some of his findings, which if we apply to our day to day life, it can certainly enhance the way we live.

Amongst the Nine planets {Navgrahas} ruling our Zodiac, each of these possess their own beauty and charm. Each of these planets has been assigned numbers in Numerology as follows:

1= Sun {1, 10, 19 and 28 born} Sun also is the ruler planet of all Leo’s.

2= Moon {2, 11, 20, 29 born} Moon also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

3= Jupiter {3, 12, 21 and 30 born} Jupiter also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Pisces and Sagittarius.

4= Uranus {4, 13, 22 and 31 born}

5= Mercury {5, 14 and 23 born} Mercury also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Gemini and Virgo.

6= Venus {6, 15 and 24 born} Venus also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Taurus and Libra.

7= Neptune {7, 16 and 25 born} Neptune also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

8= Saturn [8, 17 and 26 born} Saturn also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra.

9= Mars {9, 18 and 27 born} Mars also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Aries and Scorpio.

Telephone Numbers

Telephone Numbers:-

 When analyzing your telephone number, use only the last 4 digits - this is the only part of your phone number that is unique to you and/or your family. Add the four numbers together until you reach a number between 1 and 9 (i.e., if the numbers are 6423, add 6+4+2+3=15=6). Then find the corresponding number below.

1 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 1. This is a strong, masculine number that tends to enhance your personal power and helps you influence others. Be careful not to be too bullish, but otherwise, a great number for business and career. Not a good number for singles in search of a partner. Lacks sensitivity and awareness.

2 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 2. Romantic, good for singles seeking a partner. Sensitive, diplomatic, and tactful, this number inspires cooperation. A good number for any service oriented business. Not good for strong, opinionated people or sales oriented businesses.

3 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 3. Creative and playful, this is a good number for artists, musicians, and young people. Lacks focus and direction, yet inspiring, motivating, and original. A “popular” number that tends to attract others. Particularly good for authors and song writers. Not good for ambitious and goal-oriented people.

4 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 4. Stable, grounded, dependable and reliable, this number works particularly well for banks, accounting firms, law firms, and similar businesses that thrive on trust and solid reputations. Also good for large families. Not so good for individuals (unless they are accountants or bankers).

5 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 5. Adventure and change, this number is anything but stable. Expect the unexpected. Good for sales pitches. Also good for unconventional individuals and freedom loving travelers. Not so good for families. Lacks discipline and responsibility. Not good for people with eating disorders or dependencies of any kind.

6 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 6. This is the best possible number for families. Warm, caring, and protective. Strengthens family bonds and friendships. But also inspires gossip. Good for business. Not so good for singles who would rather not be single.

7 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 7. Strong and spiritual, this number is ideal for scholars and free thinkers. Also improves mental health and stability. Not a good number for business.

8 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 8. Best possible number for any business, this number tends to attract money and loyalty. Also good for ambitious and motivated individuals. Improves career and finances. Practical and materialistic, this can be a less desirable number for individuals seeking spiritual growth.

9 Telephone number
Your telephone number adds to 9. Idealism and compassion are the main ingredients of the 9. Great for service or health oriented businesses as well as non-profit groups. The “luckiest” of all numbers, the nine sometimes brings financial windfalls when you least expect it. Not good for people with health problems or those who desire material wealth.

Cities affected by numbrs

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cities have been renamed in the past and many a time, as a Numerologist, we could interpret the good or harm arising out of it.

Some do it out of ethnic or cultural demands, others for historical, and sometimes, roads are named to appease some legends. For example, Carter Road, a very prominent landmark in Bandra went for a name change recently. It was renamed after Naushad. Orissa is going to become Odisha. Mumbadevi became Bombay, and again became Mumbai, Chennai from Madras, Kolkata from Calcutta and so on.

But sometimes the implications can be drastic, to very providential, to put it mildly. Because names carry vibrations, and each alphabet carry energies, and a name adds to a frequency, which in Numerology can sometimes make or break.

For starters, Poona was rechristened Pune; which was in fact for the betterment, as by default Pune adds to Number 24, which in Numerology represents Venus, the planet of love, peace, harmony and luxury. And one can easily gauge the progress our neighboring city has made on itself and its citizens, what with Puneiites being awarded with the ‘most satisfied’ citizens in the country some time back. In fact some very progressive places and top tourist attractions like France, Paris, Shanghai, Thailand, China, Hawaii {notice the extra ‘i’} add to the same number.

When Bangalore was going to be renamed Bengaluroo, we left no stone unturned to warn them against that spelling, suggesting Bengaluru, which adds to a dream # 33, or 6, Number of Venus, planet of love, peace, harmony and luxury. Thankfully, better sense prevailed as they did go ahead with the suggestion. {Bangalore Times, 13/12/2005}

Mumbadevi added to # 6 too, and was a flourishing place, so prosperous that the British eyed it and went on to reap {rape?} it and developed it like no other city in India.

Orissa to Odishi would be a welcome change, as Odishi sums to 3, representing Jupiter, the biggest planet, also representing wealth and prosperity. In fact, in the years gone by, it was known as Odishi, and was one of the most thriving dynasties of ancient India.

But is it correct to play with the vibrations of a name, which shelters thousands and lakhs of people without professional advice? It’s like going to a chemist without a doctors prescription. For example the changed name, ‘Mumbai’ adds to # 18, not a good Number.
Revelation 13:18 reads:
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Rev. 13:18

"And he causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark" (Rev.13:16-1)

The Bible clearly states that 666 is the number of Anti Christ or the Beast.
It says that the devil will bear a mark on the hand or forehead or will have his name add up to 666.

Now let us see the numerological significance of the number 666.

666 when added give us the Number 18, and the meaning of this number in Numerology is as follows:

“This number has a tricky representation to interpret. It is pictured as ‘A Rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops in their opened mouths, while a crab is seen quickening to join them. It is symbolic of greediness determined to destroy the spiritual side of nature.


Mumbai faced its worst catastrophe during the 26/07 floods. That 26=8 of Saturn {Shani}, which doesn’t go well with 9 of Mars {Mangal} is another thing. Gujarat adds to 18, too, and again on a ‘Saturn’ ruled day {26/01}, it was rocked by a huge earthquake, taking countless lives and rendering thousands homeless.

In fact more recently Mynamar also lost around 1 lakh people in the recent Cyclone, and { I wouldn’t call it a coincidence} Mynamar adds to 18 too! It happened on a Saturday {Shaniwar, day of Shani!}.

No wonder there is so much of mayhem in places like Gujarat, Kashmir, Srilanka and Srinagar which add up to the same 18.

In fact 9 is also the number of Mars, a fiery and disruptive planet. Mars lends unending energy to people who are ruled by this number {Planet}.

Qualities of Two-digit and Three-digit Numbers

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number or three digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number is 108: you can read the "108" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, this is an excellent name number. This can make you virtuous and rich. You may not be rigid also. You should be pure in thought and action.


As per your name, this is an interesting name number with magical powers. Religiousness, dignity, to win over others, stable success is indicated. This is a good name number.


As per your name, inclination to study philosophical and religious treatises and success are likely.

As per your name, it helps you to earn without much difficulty. Position as minister, lawyer, banker, teacher, etc. are very likely. Rise in life will be without difficulty.


As per your name, you become clever and intelligent. By your ability and untiring work, you will come up to a high position, and will have respect for elders. Financial equilibrium is also indicated.


As per your name, power, prestige, honour, multiple profits, etc. with financial equilibrium are indicated.


As per your name, very slight improvement in the knowledge of religion can be expected.


As per your name, relief from all evil spirits are indicated. Success step by step is indicated. Professions like surgery, police or technical branches are good. This confers the highest and also knocks the bottom if power is not properly used.


As per your name, step by step you will get your good desires accomplished. This indicates that a defeated man will again come out victorious. Slow progress is likely.


As per your name, the rules under this name number are very rigid. He who understands the power of this name number can get anything. Complete surrender to GOD is indicated. If wrongly used, total destruction will follow.


As per your name, you are intelligent and have spiritual inclination and develop sympathy towards one and all. Wealth and influence are seen. Learning to agriculture, stable financial equilibrium, modesty liberality of views, honesty in business are indicated.


As per your name, it gives you good results. It will give all success, wealth and riches provided it is built up properly. Some accidents in the early stages are likely.


As per your name, it makes you very much but full power of Mars indicating efforts are implied. This also leads you to know the benefits of prayers.


As per your name, gain of wealth and lands is indicated. You will be a lover of music. God-fearing nature. Pilgrimages to sacred places are seen. Our breathing gives fire to the body. Fire requires air. When this breath is controlled, the person gets power to rise up in the air.


As per your nature, it indicates all gains and Salvation. health, wealth, win over enemies, are indicated. The sign of combination controls blood circulation and govern breath. The secret of breathing exercises known as Pranayama are also indicated.


As per your name, enthusiasm, and optimistic views of life, energetic activity, wealth and sound intelligence are indicated. It indicates literary greatness, philosophical outlook, independence and impulsiveness. The partner will be of short temper.


As per your name, bright and dark half of Moon and their implications and benefits are indicated. This is a successful name.


As per your name, wealth, accumulated funds, statesmanly ability, God-fearing nature, influence and fluency of tongue are indicated.


As per your name, this is interesting in the sense that purity is indicated. Humanitarian deeds are indicated. All will like you. The blessings of the Almighty can be got.


As per your name, this is a successful name. Sound learning, successful profession, high ideals, stable gains, immovable properties and spiritual progress are seen. This deals with the one TRUTH in the various forms.


As per your name, you will get extraordinary intelligence. You may be practical and also philosophical but impulsive. The clue for success in this name is maximum prayers.


As per your name, this gives the benefits of prayers to GOD. If you are not regular in prayers from the bottom of the heart, you will have all difficulties indicating war.


As per your name, learning and accumulation of wealth are indicated. GOOD LUCK.


As per your name, this indicates some minor gains.


As per your name, this is not a beneficial one though early success is seen. Lack of self-confidence and losses are likely.


As per your name, progress of education; benefits, comforts from superiors, dips in sacred rivers, changes in profession, reputation, fame and mental interest are seen.


As per your name, this is an interesting name. Opening with bright career, you will end in confusion.


As per your name, self-sacrifice, emotional attitude, sentimental feeling, popularity and respect are indicated. Controlling the 5 elements, conquering the deep mind (Zero), the Yogis reach final emancipation (1).


As per your name, reserves, sinful action, residence in foreign lands, etc. are indicated.


As per your name, it is not good for family and the family is also not well seen. Superstition, orthodox principles are likely.


As per your name, it is successful name. GOOD LUCK.

Qualities of Two-digit Numbers

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number is 70: you can read the "70" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, it indicates idealism rather than realism, and building castles in the air are seen. You will be tactful in achieving your object more by right means. As political leader and religious reformer, you exert tremendous influence over others. But life is no rosy path. This name indicates over-sleep which is controlled by Saturn.

As per your name, it indicates dealing with the various activities of bad nature during night. Better avoid this name number.


As per your name, this gives you great opposition. By help of Jupiter very high position is likely. Super intelligence is indicated.


As per your name, you will have fluency of tongue, godliness and prosperity indications of War and Destruction are also implied.


As per your name, success in all enterprises can be seen. Knowledge of science, music, etc. are indicated. This is a very fine name number. Ladies in this name number will become efficient in Musical instruments, etc.


As per your name, it indicated enjoyment of vehicles, friends, name and fame in society, benefits from superiors, wife a source of happiness is also seen on one side. On the dark side danger, untimely food, physical hurts are likely. Professions suited for Venus will give good success.


As per your name, this is purely a spiritual name number. In the positive side, landed properties, easy access to your desires, respect in society, many friends, logical success in trade, military or political career are indicated. But in the negative side, more enemies, unpopularity, obscurity and attraction to Yoga in later life are indicated.


As per your name, it makes you highly passionate. It is also likely that love may become jealousy. If you flatter these people you can get anything you desire from them. Riches and wealth are in ABUNDANCE.


As per your name, it indicates diplomacy, positive tendency, cleverness and combined with great strides in life resulting in dullness and obscurity.


As per your name, you have adventurous spirit, reflective nature, intelligence, philosophical outlook and wealth.


As per your name, you will have riches, honour, and relief from fear. If this name number suits you, it gives greatest success to you in life.


As per your name, it indicates vast learning, intelligence, righteous mind, stately appearance, popularity and riches are indicated. In the inner implication it is also seen that increase of cattle wealth and milk are indicated.


As per your name, it indicates indisposition, wavering tendency, misery combined with good speech, liking for art and literature. Not much successful name.


As per your name, it indicates a strenuous type of life. Easy friendship, of course without looking deep into them, is likely. With daring spirit and frankness the speech will be blunt. Being very sensitive, like personal freedom and is much interest in art and literature. Impulsiveness is also likely. This deals with the blessings of Goddess of Learning.


As per your name, gains in adventurous new ways, thrifty, logical, sudden loss and gain, retiring dispositions are indicated. Not so highly successful.


As per your name, though the true significance is not clear to common man, gentlemanly appearance, fame, riches and travels are indicated. Spirituality is essential.

Qualities of Two-digit Numbers:

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number is 50: you can read the "50" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, it gives wealth, comforts, and literary taste, culture, friends and position. Weak eye sight is also seen.


As per your name, if you do prayers, you will be blessed and you will be always free from troubles. If you do not do prayers, you will perish. Higher stages of life are indicated under this name. This is not a worldly name and whatever may be the actions, you will have obstacles. This name will induce one to have faith in religion.


As per your name, this is a name indicates restlessness for those who do not have intuitional faculties.


As per your name, you will have proficiency in Mathematics or Astrology or Physical science, clear foresight is with this name. This is virgin name indicating long life.


As per your name, this is a highly powerful name indicating anger, courage, sympathy, love, attraction, repulsion, all at the same time.


As per your name, this makes you a good conversationalist and learned. Combined with spiritual bent and regular prayers, success can be achieved. Short temper and vain life are indicated. This is not a good name for any great material prosperity.


As per your name, this is a very risky name. Taste for public life, profound success, great victory combined with confusion, loss of appointment, prestige and the like are indicated.


As per your name, it indicates no great matrimonial happiness though there may be general love prevailing. A certain amount of affable manners, ceremonial mind, riches and intelligence combined with worry from relations are seen.


As per your name, it gives you super intelligence. This is a very powerful name. This can win over enemies. Creation and destruction are indicated. Multiple profits will be got. Super intelligence when not properly used, may bring disaster.


As per your name, it gives you relief from all troubles and getting wealth and riches. The mind will become restless though Venus relieves nervousness of Mercury to a great extent. This gives you magical powers. Super intelligence is indicated.


As per your name, it indicates favorable life and retiring disposition are seen. This name number in business concern is interesting to note.


As per your name, it indicates accomplishment of your plans and success. Sometimes extraordinary success is seen. Religious devotion is also seen. There will be a great attraction. Multiple profits are seen. Royal favour is indicated. In the later stage, increase of enemies, scandal, contests and residence in remote land may be the outcome.


As per your name, this is a successful name. Earning by intellectual-al pursuits is indicated. Multiple profits are seen. Perceptive faculties, philosophical outlook, frugal ways of living, interesting literary ability in early life and success through it, breaks in education, knowledge of astrology and mathematics and cunningness are indicated. Ailment in spleen, diseases incidental to exposure are also likely, if health is not properly maintained.


As per your name, you will weigh things before you venture. Wealth and family enjoyments are with this name. Power of expression and celebrity in arts are indicated.


As per your name, you are likely to be wanting in proper mode of conduct. Family life is not seen well. Though some pains and powers are seen, this name is not so good for material prosperity. Science of Pranayama is indicated.

Qualities of Two-digit Numbers:

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number is 40: you can read the "40" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, if you hold to your own judgment and opinions; if not, your plans are likely to become wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. It is a favorable one for the future events. This name is the seat of learning. Education, attraction, comforts, royal honour, knowledge are all indicated. Your financial position will be up and down often. More or less, it is a good name.


As per your name, it gives you learning, wealth, health, conveyance and anything you want by right means. It may relieve you from the present economic crisis.


As per your name, it is not a material name. You may likely to lose the masculine tendency and become passionate and quarrelsome with licentious outlook.


As per your name, you will come up well in life but get into unnecessary litigations or confusions and waste your life. This name number is a powerful one for relief of ailments.


As per your name, family position is not seen well due to peculiar position of Mars. Intelligence, wealth, travels are indicated. If properly combined, this is a very successful name.


As per your name, you will have to come up in life to a high position from a low rank in life and get success. You are liked and helped by all. There will be harmony in life. This is a Hot name and the further combination it can be used for great success or otherwise this name may tell upon the health of your partner. Be careful in dealing with this.


As per your name, you will be persuasive, charitable-minded, occupying high position, sometimes trustees of religious institutions also. This gives success in early stage but cannot give steady and lasting success and the end is sudden and vain. Loss of respect and wealth is indicated at a later stage.


As per your name, by the influence of sign of Capricorn custom-built troubles are seen. This name indicates diseases and cure of mental fear.


As per your name, this is neither a successful nor unsuccessful one. Life is not a pleasant one though gain and honour are achieved. With keen mental development and by proper control, higher intuitional faculty is indicated.


As per your name, it indicates all comforts like royal honour, wealth, position, conveyance, etc. This is beneficial for all material things.


As per your name, it indicates a happy life, wealth, renown, friends, good position, success in public life are indicated combined with miserliness. You may become either learned or laxly. Your name has the power to cure ailments.


As per your name, it gives you position, intelligence, statesmanly ability, cleverness with misfortune, loss of position and narrow-mindedness.


As per your name, it gives success in profession, surprising wealth and all comforts. This is like a razor blade. The end is complete confusion when there is no honesty and faith in the lord.


As per your name, you will have tendency to occultism, regard and respect for elders and preceptors, independent thinking, wealth and honour with occasional mental worry and restlessness. This is a good name.


As per your name, when properly set up, maximum wealth and all kinds of prosperity can be achieved. Those who are not blessed with children if they come under this name number, can get children.

Qualities of Two-digit Numbers

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number or date of birth, is 30: you can read the "30" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, it is a name of advancement, honours, elevation in life and general success. It means victory after a long fight. It is a fortunate one, if it appears in any connection with future events. Royal honour, position, oratorical ability, wealth and comforts are indicated. Great scholars are also seen in this. When there is sufficient effort, success is sure. This is a good name. GOOD LUCK.


As per your name, it is a warning name of illusion and delusion, a good person who lives in a fools' paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger. It is also a name of false judgment owing to the influence of others. Gains by illegal methods, duplicity, litigation, etc. will be the outcome.


As per your name, it gives a promise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high position. In dealing with future events, it is a most fortunate name and gives you promise of success for your plans. This is a highly successful name. All kinds of prosperity, wealth, health and royal honour are indicated. If you have lofty plans and schemes, you will come up well with the protection from those in rank and position.


As per your name, it gives you fortune; it promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with your plans: it also denotes gain through love and the opposite sex; it is a favorable name when it comes out in relation to future events. This makes you a lover of fine arts, original in thought, gentle and kind, eloquent, intelligent, good logician, fond of travel and well placed in life. There will be interest in social functions and visits. This is a very successful name and can make one wealthy and serve the government.


As per your name, it is a name denoting strength gained through experience, and benefits obtained through observation of people and things. It is not deemed exactly lucky, as its success is given through strife and trials in the earlier life. It is favorable when it appears in regard to the future. Your mental outlook may be wavering. Spirituality is inborn in this name. Popularity and adventurous nature is also likely.


As per your name, it is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions, and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events, you should carefully consider the path you are treading. This is a difficult name. Failures, deception, grief, misery, sorrow from affection are all indicated. Sometimes the native may have sacrificing life. Marital harmony may be absent. You may be willingly leading a life of poverty. You may also be shy and moody.


As per your name, it gives you promise of authority, power, and command. It indicates that reward will come from the productive intellect; that the creative faculties have sown good seeds that will reap a harvest. It is a fortunate name for future events. You will be courageous and gushing with love towards family and children. You will be ambitious and quick. Learning and skill are also indicated. There will be an intelligent way of looking things. Rashness and short temper are also likely. This gives you wealth, honour, prestige, position and above all Spirituality.


As per your name, it is full of contradictions. It indicates a person of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all taken away from him unless you carefully provide for the future. It indicates loss through trust in others, opposition and competition in trade, danger or loss through law, and the likelihood of having to begin life's road over and over again. It is not a good name for future events. Early success and complete failure are denoted.


As per your name, it indicates uncertainties, treachery, and deception of others; it foreshadows trials, tribulation, and unexpected dangers, unreliable friends, and grief and deception caused by members of the opposite sex. It gives grave warning if it comes out in anything concerning future events. When there is anger, your blood boils and the effect is that you become mentally unbalanced. This name makes you, harsh in speech and the family life will be unpleasant. Position and success are also likely. But the end is one of trials and dangers. This is purely a mental name and the mind is more restless.


As per your name, it is a thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over your fellows, but, as it seems to belong completely to the mental plane, you are likely to put all material things on one side not because you have to, but because you wish to do so. For this reason, it is neither fortunate nor unfortunate name, for either depends on the mental outlook of yours. It can be all-powerful, but it is just as often indifferent according to your will and desire. By proper control of the mind, great achievements are likely. This is certainly not a bad name. This name can bestow riches and comforts; but a mild successful one.


As per your name, it represents more self-contained, lonely, and isolated from your fellows. It is not a fortunate name from a worldly or material standpoint. It indicates loss of prestige and position and difficulties in profession may be the outcome. Be Careful.

Qualities of Two-digit numbers

First of all go to Calculate ur Name label
and Calculate ur name

In addition to the main qualities of 1 to 9 numbers, mentioned in earlier postings, the following two digit number qualities also may be taken into account. For example, your name number or date of birth, is 20: you can read the "20" number qualities mentioned below.


As per your name, it gives you honor, of faith and self-confidence, of rise and fall, it will be known for good or evil according to your desires. It is a fortunate number in the sense that your plans are likely to be carried out. You are very successful in life map. Your fortune is not steady but the career and fortune are all moderately well off. Learning is also indicated.


As per your name, this is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers, trial, and treachery from others. When there is Grace of the Lord and the individual is pure in mind, great success is seen or otherwise all round difficulties will be the result.


As per your name, the symbolism of this number is suffering and anxiety of mind. It is also indicated as "the Sacrifice" or "the Victim" and generally foreshadows one being sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. Intelligence, dignity, creative ability, fluency of speech, winning manners and sacrifice go with your name.


As per your name, this is indicating change of plans, place, and such like, and is not unfortunate, as is generally supposed. It indicates upheaval and destruction. It is a symbol of "Power" which if wrongly used, will wreak destruction upon itself. You will become restless, takes up unconventional theories and acts in rash and careless manner. Financial loss, ill health and so many bad aspects are seen.


As per your name, it is of movement, combination of people and things, and danger from natural forces, such as tempests, water, air or fire. It is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation, and changes in business, but there is always a strong element of risk and danger attached to it, but generally owing to the actions and foolhardiness of others. If it comes out in calculations of future events, you are warned to act with caution and prudence. You are clever, logical, learned, humorous, reflective and attracted by perfumes. Business knack is also indicated. It is a successful name for business trademark. This name can give you everlasting name also.


As per your name, you have occult significance of magic and mystery; but as a rule it does not represent the higher side of occultism, its meaning being that you will use every art of magic to carry out your purpose. You are peculiarly associated with good talkers, often with eloquence, gifts of Music and Art and dramatic personality, combined with a certain voluptuous temperament and strong personal magnetism. For obtaining money, gifts, and favors from others, it is a fortunate name. Your name indicates sound learning, good behavior with diplomacy, and prominent features, cautious and practical. Sometimes narrowness and routine life are indicated. You are steadfast in love. Art and music appeal to you.


As per your name, it gives warning of some strange fatality awaiting you, also danger of accidents and defeat of your plans. You are advised to be careful and plans made in advance in the endeavor to avert its fatalistic tendency. Your name can bestow the highest knowledge. Super intelligence is indicated. You have to pass through various stages of mental purifications to attain benefits in this name.


As per your name, yours is a highly spiritual name. It expresses that it represents superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of your life or your career. It is a fortunate name if it works out to be in relation to future events. This is a hot name. You will fight till you achieve success. Undying name and fame are seen. You get anger rarely but when provoked you become furious. You are also remarkable for your memory. You have business knack and surprising intuition.


As per your name, it is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. You will be with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with ward, social upheavals and revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position through words or by wars. It is, however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. This is not a good combination of name. This indicates the higher stages of the development of mind. You will have manifold difficulties. Harsh speech, quarrelsome attitude, short temper, hardhearted nature and unpopularity are likely.


As per your name, it is regarded as fortunate and extremely favorable. It is promising happiness, success, esteem and honour, and promises success in your plans for the future. This indicates harmony, honour, prestige, name and fame, gain of wealth. This is a successful name.


As per your name, the awakening of new purpose, new plans, new ambitions, the call to action but for some great purpose, cause or duty. It is not a material name and consequently is a doubtful one as far as worldly success is concerned. For future, it denotes delays, hindrances to your plans, which can only be conquered through the development of spiritual side of the nature. God's grace can be easily got. Knowing the real significance of this name can cure all kinds of diseases. Extraordinary success, wealth, intelligence, charm, sweet speech can surely be got when there is Faith and Devotion in GOD.

Lucky Numbers through Names

Now let us learn how to know the Lucky Number for the people who do not know their correct date of birth, through their names.

For each English letter, a number is given. You have to remember these.

These are:
Note: You will not find Number 9 in these letter identifications. This number is earmarked to the Almighty. Hence 9 is not given to any letter.
For example:
Take: name of a person:

First Name / Pet Name === Middle Name === Last Name (Surname)

Here, generally we always use First Name.

Let us calculate Lucky Number for First Name / Pet name.

Name is: E R I C .
Let us calculate for this name:
E = 5
R = 2
I = 1
C = 3
Total = 5+2+1+3 = 11
Bring this 11 into a single digit
(or divided it by 9 and the remainder is) i.e. prime number = 11 = 1+1 = 2
So the Lucky Number for ERIC is = 2.
This is called "basic number."

For all day-to-day activities, it will play an important role.
This number is for FIRST NAME and PET NAME also.

If all the inputs such as 1) First Name, 2) Middle Name & 3) Last Name (Surname) are taken into account, the resulting output number is also called Lucky Number.
This also plays an important role in the life map of a person.
First Name / Pet Name:
5 2 1 3 = 11
Midddle Name:
Last Name/Surname
3 1 5 7 7 5 = 28
11 + 1 + 28
Total = 11 + 1 + 28 = 40 = 40/9 = remainder is 4 = So the Lucky Number for this Name is = 4.

So the Lucky Number for the above full name is = 4

Like that you can calculate and arrive at the Lucky Number for the persons who do not know their correct date of birth through their names.

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