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>> Friday, November 25, 2011

'SHAKY 26TH!TRAGEDY STRUCK AGAIN ON A 26TH, Mumbai terror attacks'

8, SATURN, SHANI , Good, Bad or Ugly
A Numerological Peep'
Again tragedy struck on the 26th, when Mumbai was attacked by terrorists, like never before. Let’s peep into what the numbers have to say, be it the repetitive trage’dies’ happening on 26th, or Mumbai’s vulnerable name spellings.To top it, India is its 62nd year of Independence, and 62= 8 again!
Mumbai’s Number: 18
Meaning of Number 18

“It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling, a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their open mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them". It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars or by wars.

It, is however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from water, fire and explosion.

When this "compound number" appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.”

Places such as Srinagar, Kashmir, Gujarat and Srilanka all add up to the same number 18 the meaning of which is given above. Previously Mumbai was known as Bombay this adds up to the number 17 the meaning of which is

Number 17:

This is highly spiritual number and is expressed in symbolism by the 8-pointed Star of Venus: a symbol of "Peace and Love' It is also called "the Star of the Magi" and expresses that the person it represents has risen superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of his life or his career. It is considered a "Number of immortality" and that the person's name  "lives after him". It is a fortunate number if it works out in relation to future events provided it is not associated with the single numbers of 4 and 8.But in any city, there would be so many 4 or 8 individuals.

Mumbaii or Mumbaai would add up to Number 19, which totals to Number 1, that represents the Sun, the Creative force. As we all know, the Sun gives light and life to the whole universe.

The meaning of Number 19 is as follows:

Number 19:

19 - This number is regarded as fortunate and extremely favorable. It is symbolized as "the Sun" and is called "the Prince of Heaven". It is a number promising happiness. Success, esteem and honour, and success is one's plans for the future.

Sun also represents some of the most famous people such as the richest man, Bill Gates, Abhinav Bindra, Lata Mangeshkar, Hrithik Roshan, Dara Singh, Sunil Gavaskar, Mukesh & Dhirubhai Ambani, Ratan Tata, Aishwarya Rai etc.

Number 8 people {Saturn}:

People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th in any month are termed as Number 8 people, ruled by the planet Saturn. The number 8 rules Capricorns, Aquarians and Librans too.

COMMENTS: Number 8 people {Saturn}:

Saturn is usually a planet which take trials and tribulations, and after which, eventually rewards the person amply.

Usually the first half of a number 8 is associated with struggle. The second half however compensates for the first. Sometimes it is vice versa.

With the struggle, Saturn also gifts with will power and determination.

Unless born in a wealthy family, number 8 persons usually have to work a little harder than usual to get what they deserve.

Number 8 people will find the numbers of “fours”, and “eight” drawn toward them and playing an important role in all their affairs, and Dates such as 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st or any numbers that total up to the root of the 4 and 8. They must instead avoid these Numbers and dates for anything important, as such Numbers are unlucky for them.

Sourav Ganguly, a number 8 is a classic case of Number 8. As soon as 2006 {8} came in, he suddenly lost the huge pedestal he ruled for so many years. To top it, he entered his 35th {8} year too during the same period, and had to literally sit out during most of his 35th year. Ditto with Saturn ruled Capricorn, Rahul Dravid, who very suddenly declined from captaincy, and soon faced loss of form, again in his 35th year too!

Saturn ruled Libran, Shewag wasn’t doing well with Jersey # 44, and in fact, ironically, though being a specialist 1 Day player, his averages in the shorter version of the game is a dismal 29 as opposed to around a healthy 52 in Test cricket, where he doesn’t have to don a Number 44.

{Thankfully, better sense prevailed as after our suggestion, he has taken off 44}

Vajpayee, a Capricorn, also ruled indirectly by 8 also found 4 unlucky, becoming PM for 13 days, then 13 months, then lost the assembly elections after the results were out on the 13th {4}.

Bjp again lost the last elections to congress and Ncp, as the elections were held on the 13th!

The best remedy for them is to alter their spellings and bring it on 1,3,5 or 6. Some # 8’s have done pretty well, especially when their named added to such Numbers by default. For instance, Dr Manmohan Singh adds to # 1; Roger Federer to 5, Raveena Tandon to 6.

Shilpa Shetty and Dimple Kapadia, are amongst Number 8. {Both 08/06}

In China, however, 8 is considered to be a lucky #; no wonder the Olympics are slated for 08/08/2008, and the compound is 8 too.
The word for "eight" in Chinese (Pinyin: bâ) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth" (short for Pinyin). In regional dialects the words for "eight" and "fortune" are also similar, eg Cantonese "baat" and "faat".
There is also a resemblance between two digits, "88", and the shuang xi ('double joy'), a popular decorative design composed of two stylized characters (xi, 'joy', 'happiness').
Telephone number 8888-8888 was sold for USD$270,723 in Chengdu, China.
However even in China there have been many earthquakes on dates adding to 8. In fact on 09/10/2005, we had predicted {in Mid-Day} that on 26/11/2005, there was a possibility of such a disaster. Very unfortunately, there was a huge quake in China on that very date. Actually, that date was triply ruled by Saturn, as it was firstly on a Shaniwar {Saturday}, to top it, the date was 26 {26=8} and 26+11+2005=8 too!

The Tsunami which took over 2,00,000 lives and destroyed so many other lives also was triply riddled by 8 as it happened in the Saturn ruled Capricorn period, and 26=8; 26+12+2004= 8 too!

Mumbai faced its worst natural calamity on 26/07/2005. the compound was a 4 {26+07+2005=4}. Exactly two years later, on the 26th of July this year {also a Shaniwar, Saturday, day of Saturn} the bomb blasts rocked Ahemedabad taking so many innocent lives.

In Bhuj, Gujarat, a huge quake took thousands of lives on 26/01. then on 08/10/2005, which was also a Shaniwar or Saturday,  Pakistan and Srinagar lost more than 60,000 lives. The Malegaon blasts happened on 08/09 too and the Jaipur blast on 13/05.


One may continue with daily chores but try and avoid doing something very important such as starting of a new venture, getting engaged or married etc on a date adding to 8. Infact Vipul Amrutlal Shah who consulted for Singh Is Kinng also had a paid premier on the 07.08.2008 at PVR Juhu before the film’s release on 08.08.08.


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