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>> Friday, November 25, 2011

Sri Lanka = Mumbai = Kashmir = Gujarat = Srinagar = 18 = Explosions!

 Six Sri Lankan cricketers were injured on Tuesday and five of their bodyguards killed in the first-ever deadly terrorist ambush in the history of the sport, known ironically as the Gentleman’s game. This cowardly terrorist attack comes close on the heels of the gruesome 26/11 Mumbai attack. So were there any similarities in them, considering the fact that the weapons used were of the same kind?

Let’s take a look into what the Numbers game reveal.

Both India and Pakistan have been at the epicenter of terrorism like never before, what with the two countries in their 62nd year of Independence, since 1947 {62=8, Saturn, Shani, planet of trials, tribulations}. While President Zardari is a # 8 {26/07}, their PM, Gillani, whose name adds to 8 too, is the 26th Prime Minister!

While Mumbai attacks were carried out on the 26th = 8 and lasted for 62 = 8 hours, the compound date of the attack on Srilanka was 3/3/2009 = 8 too.

If we look back at the different tragedies, both natural and man made, a similar pattern comes before us. In fact on 09/10/2005, we had predicted {in Mid-Day} that on 26/11/2005, there was a possibility of a disaster. Very unfortunately, there was a huge quake in China on that very date. Actually, that date was triply ruled by Saturn, as it was firstly on a Shaniwar {Saturday, day of Saturn}, to top it, the date was 26 {26=8} and 26+11+2005=8 too!

The Tsunami which took over 2, 00,000 lives was triply riddled by 8 too as it happened in the Saturn ruled Capricorn period, and 26=8; 26+12+2004= 8 too!

Mumbai faced its worst natural calamity on 26/07/2005. Exactly two years later, on the 26th of July last year {also a Saturday}, deathly bomb blasts rocked Ahmedabad taking so many innocent lives.

In Bhuj, Gujarat, a huge quake took thousands of lives on 26/01. Then on 08/10/2005, which was also a Saturday, Pakistan and Srinagar lost more than 60,000 lives. The Malegaon blasts happened on 08/09 too.

Sri Lanka, Mumbai, Srinagar, Kashmir and Gujarat all add up to the same number 18, which represents Mars, the red, fiery planet that can be seen with the naked eye; Mars or Mangal is also known as the planet of War.

Mars doesn’t gel with # 8, Saturn and # 5 Mercury too. While Mercury, as seen in a thermometer can rise with little heat, Mars on the other hand is fierce and fiery.

Meaning of Number 18:

It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling, a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their open mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them". It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars or by wars.

It, is however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements, such as storms, danger from ‘water’, ‘fire’ and ‘explosion’.”

While Mumbai that adds to 18, and had a stormy affair with the floods on 26/11, the terror attacks were carried out on 26/11. Gujarat faced the Godhra tragedy on 26/02. Srinagar lost thousands of lives on 08/10, and Srilanka the Tsunami on 26/12.

Incidentally, Benazir’s son’s name, Bilawal Zardari Bhutto adds to 18 too, which leaves him vulnerable to attacks too!

On the brighter side, the Srilankan team was attacked on a date whose compound number was 8, but had it been on a proper number 8, things could have been worse.

Srilanka totals to 9, its team was attacked in Lahore which totals to the number 5, and 5 and 9 are not compatible.

Benazir Bhutto was a Gemini, ruler of which is # 5, Mercury, and 9 played a very tragic role in her life {and death}.
Her year of birth, 1953=9, as well as her date of birth total, 21+06+1953=9; date of assassination, 27th=9, as well as that year 2007;
Her husbands name, Asif Ali Zardari adds up to 36 = 9.

His DOB, 26-7-1956 = 9. They married on 18th; her marriage affected her political career.
Bilawal Zardari Bhutto adds to 18 too. She faced criminal charges of 1.5 billion $ which is Rs 90 Billion=9. Her age when she died was 54 years=9.

Another example of this would be Veerappan whose name added to 5 {41}. He was killed on the 18th (1+8=9} largely due to the operations led by B Vijay Kumar whose name adds up to the number 9 too.

Iraq totals to 5 whereas Iran totals to 9.
Whew, Numero-logic!


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