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>> Friday, November 25, 2011

It has been 1 year since we lost our guiding Light, our Father, Mr Bansilal M Jumaani. He not only shaped our life, but with his remarkable command in Numerology, he had managed to change the lives of thousands of people.

He single handedly revived this age old science {around 5000 year old} in India, which is a haven to such an art and culture.

Based on his experience on the subject, I would like to present some of his findings, which if we apply to our day to day life, it can certainly enhance the way we live.

Amongst the Nine planets {Navgrahas} ruling our Zodiac, each of these possess their own beauty and charm. Each of these planets has been assigned numbers in Numerology as follows:

1= Sun {1, 10, 19 and 28 born} Sun also is the ruler planet of all Leo’s.

2= Moon {2, 11, 20, 29 born} Moon also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

3= Jupiter {3, 12, 21 and 30 born} Jupiter also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Pisces and Sagittarius.

4= Uranus {4, 13, 22 and 31 born}

5= Mercury {5, 14 and 23 born} Mercury also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Gemini and Virgo.

6= Venus {6, 15 and 24 born} Venus also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Taurus and Libra.

7= Neptune {7, 16 and 25 born} Neptune also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Cancer.

8= Saturn [8, 17 and 26 born} Saturn also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra.

9= Mars {9, 18 and 27 born} Mars also governs those born in the zodiacal sign of Aries and Scorpio.


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