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Do Your Own Simple Numerology Chart

>> Thursday, May 8, 2014

Do Your Own Simple Numerology Chart

The Numerology Reports that are offered for sale here are very detailed and include more aspects than are listed here. A full profile report is 20+ pages. What I am showing you here is *not* the same. As well as fewer aspects of your number chart being considered the definitions of the numbers are the general, short and sweet version. 

The basics of numerology are quite simple. Yes, there is some addition involved but it's very basic adding and a little subtracting. For this exercise the different ways a birth date can be added is not important, so I am going to proceed with the simplest way.

First thing to note when you are adding a birth date up is that the month has to be converted to it's numerical value (Jan=1, Feb=2, Mar=3, etc.). Using the birth date October 15, 1977...

10 15 1977 - first, simply add all the numbers of the birth date: 

1+0+1+5+1+9+7+7=31 - as this is a double digit, you will add them:


October 16, 1977 reduces to the single digit 4.

The next bit of information you need to calculate your numbers are the numerical value of the letters and they are as follows:

Using my name as an example you would do the following:

Now you have all the information you need to calculate your own numbers! Below gives a list of the main numbers revealed in a numerology chart, how to calculate them, and what area of your life they pertain to. This is all the information you require for a basic Numerology Chart.

Life Path Number: This is the first number any numerologist looks at and is the main number of your chart. The Life Path represents what you are here to learn. Depending on your age at the time of doing this chart you may be well into your lessons and what you're hear to learn is now well into development and the lessons then become traits you have. To calculate your Life Path add up the numbers of your birth date (as shown in the example of how to do the adding).

Life Path 1: You are here to learn about being independence. Being able to stand on your own is important in your life.
Life Path 2: You are here to learn about being cooperative and support to others. Relationships and/or partnerships are important in your life. 
Life Path 3: You are here to learn to express yourself and your creativity. Communication is important in your life.
Life Path 4: You are here to learn practicality and self-discipline. Building stability in your life now for the future is important in your life.
Life Path 5: You are here to learn versatility and freedom. Creating and experiencing change is important in your life.
Life Path 6: You are here to learn community and family responsibility. Nurturing others is important in your life.
Life Path 7: You are here to study, research and learn. Solving life's mysteries is important in your life.
Life Path 8: You are here to learn the balance required between the material and the non-material. Success is important in your life.
Life Path 9: You are here to learn compassion. Making the world a better place is important in your life. 

Expression Number: This is the number determined by adding up the letters of your name and it describes your approach in life. You are advised to use your full name at birth (typically what is on your birth certificate). If you have a different name now (either through marriage or adoption or a name change for any reason) you may want to do two charts, one for each name. You will likely recognize yourself in both sets of numbers. If, for any reason you don't know your name at birth (closed adoption records, for example) you will have to use just the name you have now. 

Expression 1: You have an independent approach to life.
Expression 2: You have a cooperative approach to life.
Expression 3: You have an expressive and creative approach to life.
Expression 4: You have a practical approach to life.
Expression 5: You have a versatile approach to life.
Expression 6: You have a nurturing approach to life.
Expression 7: You have a mindful approach to life.
Expression 8: You have a productive approach to life.
Expression 9: You have a compassionate approach to life.

Heart's Desire Number: This number is determined by the vowels of your name and it describes what you want in life, that which motivates you. We can't talk about the vowels without discussing the letter Y. Sometimes it's a consonant, sometimes it's a vowel. For example, with the name Yvette Young the Y in Yvette is a vowel but the Y in Young is a consonants. Basically, if it sounds like a vowel it is a vowel, otherwise it is a consonant. The silent Y is also a consonant. For example consider the names Cary and Carey. In the case of Cary the Y is a vowel. In the case of Carey the Y is a consonant that simply tells us how to pronounce the proceeding E.

Heart's Desire 1: You want your independence.
Heart's Desire 2: You want interactions with others, relationships/partnerships. 
Heart's Desire 3: You want to express yourself and creativity.
Heart's Desire 4: You want stability.
Heart's Desire 5: You want the freedom to test and taste all that life has to offer.
Heart's Desire 6: You want the perfect home and family.
Heart's Desire 7: You want to explore life's mysteries whether they be scientific, religious or spiritual.
Heart's Desire 8: You want financial/material success.
Heart's Desire 9: You want to make the world a better place for all.

Personality Number: This number is determined by adding the consonants of your name and it describes how you show yourself to the world. It's like the vowels are your inner self, and the consonants your outer self. 

Personality 1: You show yourself as being independent, perfectly capable of handling all on your own.
Personality 2: You show yourself as great support to others.
Personality 3: You show yourself as communicative and optimistic.
Personality 4: You show yourself as practical and self-disciplined.
Personality 5: You show yourself as being free as the birds and not liking to be tied down.
Personality 6: You show yourself as being caring and nurturing.
Personality 7: You show yourself as mindful, always giving thought before taking action.
Personality 8: You show yourself as hardworking and able to manage anything.
Personality 9: You show yourself as a humanitarian who wants to improve the world for all people.

Maturity Number: This number is determined by adding your Life Path Number and your Expression Number and reducing that total to a single digit. This number takes affect around mid-life. Your Life Path is what you're learning, your Expression is just your way of dealing with those lessons. The Maturity number is the culmination of those two numbers.

Maturity 1: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life your independence will be most prominent.
Maturity 2: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be cooperative and supportive towards others.
Maturity 3: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be self-expressive and creative.
Maturity 4: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be practical and self-disciplined.
Maturity 5: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will enjoy of life of personal freedom.
Maturity 6: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will enjoy your home and family nurturing them to the best of your ability.
Maturity 7: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be mindful and philosophical.
Maturity 8: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will have a nice balance between the material and non-material worlds which will result in your success.
Maturity 9: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will have a humanitarian attitude towards life.

Life Path & Expression Bridge:
 This number is determined by subtracting the Life Path and Expression numbers. You will subtract the higher number from the lower number. This "bridge" advises how to handle the difference between your lessons and your approach to them. It is a good number to consider when you are having difficulties handling the lessons of your Life Path.

Bridge 1: Take the initiative more often and stand on your own two feet rather than leaning on others.
Bridge 2: Make more effort to get along with and be supportive of others.
Bridge 3: Don't keep things in, express yourself more. Optimism will help too.
Bridge 4: Be more practical and self-disciplined.
Bridge 5: Be more versatile, accept change, take a chance.
Bridge 6: Be more responsible and nurturing.
Bridge 7: Give more thought to things before taking action.
Bridge 8: Put more energy and effort into things. Get organized.
Bridge 9: Be more giving and consider how best to help/serve everyone involved.

Karmic Lesson(s):
 This number is determined by noticing what numbers are missing from your name. It is possible to have more than one karmic lesson. The missing numbers from your name indicate areas of weakness that you will want to strengthen.

Karmic 1: Strengthen your independence.
Karmic 2: Strengthen your ability to be supportive of others and do get along.
Karmic 3: Strengthen your communication skills and creativity.
Karmic 4: Strengthen your practical side.
Karmic 5: Strengthen your acceptance of change.
Karmic 6: Strengthen your sense of duty/responsibility.
Karmic 7: Strengthen your mind. 
Karmic 8: Strengthen your ambition and drive.
Karmic 9: Strengthen you consideration of others.

Hidden Passion Number: 
This number is determined by noticing which number you have the most of in your name. If you do not have a single number the holds the position of being the most numbers then you do not have a specific hidden passion. This number is a hidden strength that you will turn to when nothing else is working for you. 

Hidden Passion 1: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to attend to matters on your own.
Hidden Passion 2: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be cooperative with others.
Hidden Passion 3: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be expressive.
Hidden Passion 4: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be practical.
Hidden Passion 5: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be versatile and accepting of change.
Hidden Passion 6: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be responsible (dutiful) and nurturing.
Hidden Passion 7: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to give much thought before taking action.
Hidden Passion 8: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to take charge and get the job done.
Hidden Passion 9: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to see the big picture and proceed in a way that is best for all involved.

Personal Year:
 This number is determined by adding the day and month of your birth to the current year and describes the general feel of this year for you.  
Personal Month: 
This number is determined by adding your Personal Year number to the current month and describes the general feel of that month for you.
Personal Day: 
This number is determined by adding the reduced number of the day in question to the Personal Month and describes the general feel of that day for you.

Personal Cycle 1: New starts, opportunities, independence, starting anew.
Personal Cycle 2: A quiet time, consolidating, cooperating, teamwork.
Personal Cycle 3: Entertainment, self-expression, sociability, travel.
Personal Cycle 4: Laying plans, practicality, organization, working hard.
Personal Cycle 5: Exciting changes, freedom, communication, travel.
Personal Cycle 6: Home activities, creativity, responsibilities, marriage.
Personal Cycle 7: Inner searching, study, rest, unexpected surprises.
Personal Cycle 8: Material success or failure (what you sow is what you reap), independence, goals can be achieved.
Personal Cycle 9: Humanitarian matters, idealism, endings, high drama.

Here is a sample chart or report for Oprah Winfrey

Name: Oprah Gail Winfrey
Birth date: January 29, 1954

Life Path Number: 1 29 1954=31/4
Oprah is here to learn practicality and self-discipline. Building stability in her life now for the future is important in her life.

Name Numbers Calculations:

Expression 7: Oprah has a mindful approach to life.
Heart's Desire 4: Oprah wants stability in her life.
Personality 3: Oprah shows her self as communicative and optimistic.

Maturity Number: LP4+Exp7 = 11/2
As a result of Oprah's life lessons and approach to them in later life she has become cooperative and supportive towards others.

Bridge Number: Exp7 - LP4 = 3
Oprah should not keep things in, but rather express herself more. Being optimistic will help her too. (Note: this is the same as her Personality Number, she probably never actually needed this advise in her life as she does this anyway - at least when she is with others.)

Karmic Lessons: 2 & 4 (both numbers are missing from the letters of Oprah's name)
Karmic 2: Oprah will improve her life by strengthening her ability to be supportive of others and to get along.
Karmic 4: Strengthen your practical side. (As this is the same as Oprah's Life Path # the odds are in her favor of strengthening this - at least life is going to present her with many opportunities to do so.)

Hidden Passion: 9 (most common number in the letters of Oprah's name)
When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to see the big picture and proceed in a way that is best for all involved.

Personal Year (2012): 1 29 2012 = 8
Personal Cycle 8: Material success or failure (what you sow is what you reap), independence, goals can be achieved.

2014 Sun Number Predictions 1 to 9

The Numerology influences of the year 2014 affect each of us differently, depending on your personal cycles, which are linked to your Sun Number. Learn how to figure out your Sun Number here, then read your Numerology forecast for 2014 below!

Sun Number 1

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is an 8
After last year's constant involvement with yourself and occasional doubts about the state of your business or career, you will find this year to be a relief. Things finally work out. Long postponed checks and promotions come through. You see the light at the end of your financial tunnel and an inner strength and confidence is breaking through. This is your year of harvest and, depending on the effort you put out during the past seven years, your reward will be equally large. There is a beauty in these cycles we can recognize and understand, and in doing so we find ourselves "in the flow," where there is no more need to try and struggle upstream.
This year you will have an opportunity to involve yourself fully in work and material growth and bring home the rewards. Give in to your ambitions -- you will find yourself more clear and focused and able to pursue and reach your goals. Your power is visible and strong, mental creativity is high, vision and intuition will guide you, and you are more efficient and focused through 2014.
January is a month when your energy is lower than usual, but that changes at the beginning of February. June is particularly hectic and may bring a change in environment, a move perhaps. October brings a new venture.

For more Click here

Sun Number 2

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 9
This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, to clean house and make room for new things. On a material level, this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore, and to pay off old debts.
On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode altogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs. Find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts, and the best way to do so is by directing your attention in another direction, away from yourself -- you will find yourself become lighter and more in touch with yourself. Problems can be solved, strained relationships relax or disappear, and the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with.
There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them. Decisions have to be taken and courage and strength may be severely tested several times.
May is your most dynamic month, while June and July find you a little worn out. After all, this is the end of a nine-year cycle, and your energy level is a little low. August is invigorating, but a month to pay special attention to financial matters. November brings romance and commitment to the foreground.

Sun Number 3

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 1
Be ready for major changes in 2014. You will be inspired to start new projects or enterprises, and will feel a strong forward push toward new goals. This is a time for vision and planning. Share your dream with others: make plans, get the necessary support, but, above all, rely on yourself as the driving force. Be decisive!
This is also a good time to make the personal changes you have long wanted to make: start a diet and/or an exercise program, or begin a new course of study. There will be considerable emotional turmoil, especially in the first two or three months. It takes a while to get the ball rolling. There are many changes you must make and much work to be done. Be open-minded, organized and focused. Avoid distractions and procrastination.
March is a key month when you are able to lay the foundation for your plans. April brings a change of residence, office or career. In July and August you see the fruits of your labors begin to take place, while October represents a change in a personal relationship, most likely romantic. The fall marks a coalescing of your plans into more concrete form.

Sun Number 4

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 2
You are entering a 2 Personal Year cycle, a year to carefully protect and nurture your plans. You will be like a mother watching over her children, conscious of every threat, real or imagined.
You need tact and cooperation to keep yourself moving forward. There will likely be confrontations with others, requiring a subtle and gentle approach. You will have to stay focused on your goals, and use intelligent persuasion. Being forceful will likely work against you, while compromises work in your favor.
You will be unusually sensitive this year, and may wonder at times what happened to the drive and momentum you felt last year. 2014 requires something else from you now -- a delicate sense of balance and a willingness to go around obstacles, without losing sight of your goal. Be discriminating in your associations and secretive about your plans.
May is the pivotal month in the year for you. You are extremely intuitive and sensitive, and better able to influence your peers and your circumstances. July brings a culmination of plans and a distinct step forward. August sees things become more concrete and brings a new beginning. September is emotional, requiring adjustments, tact and inner resolve. The 2 year is a year of growth and advancement, but through gentle means, and the indirect use of your personal power.

Sun Number 5

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 3
Your Personal Year cycle is 3 in 2014, making this a year of expansion and personal growth. It is a time of heightened personal expression. Creativity comes to the forefront, and you are more lighthearted and drawn to social events.
Your challenge is to avoid scattering your energies. You have a rare opportunity to bring forth new and original ideas. But that requires discipline and focus. It is easy to be optimistic and enthusiastic this year, and this may result in speeding up your projects. Yet there will be delays and disappointments unless your enthusiasm is based upon the reality of work and concentration.
This is often a good financial year, particularly if your creativity is well directed. Surround yourself with upbeat and positive people. Control this year's tendencies toward glamour and extravagance, yet allow yourself more room to enjoy and celebrate. You communicate well this year and are more capable of getting across your ideas.
February brings changes, June sees the completion of a project, and July signals a new beginning. August can be emotional, as can November in 2014.

Sun Number 6

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 4
This is a year to be organized and practical, and take care of details. Commit yourself entirely to your goals. Your concentration and ability to focus will be much improved over last year. You will have an attitude of realism and determination now.
There can be a sense of limitation and some frustration this year too, though. However, it is a year of important opportunities that must be seized. 2014 is a good year to buy real estate or remodel your home. It is also a good time to take care of projects which have been postponed for too long.
Fulfill your obligations and do not be afraid to spend some of that hard earned money. Selling and trading during this year usually is quite successful. This is the year to work on your foundation and prepare yourself for the many changes that will undoubtedly come next year.
January and February will bring some important change, a new opportunity perhaps. March requires self-reflection and reshaping of your plans. October brings changes and a sense of chaos. But November brings assistance in the form of a promotion or additional financial support.

Sun Number 7

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 5
This is a year of dynamic change. Many surprises will come your way, so be open and ready to embrace new opportunities. This is a year in which a major step forward can take place if you are willing to take some calculated risks and do a little gambling. Wisdom and prudence are the keys, but you will be faced with choices that require fast action and a willingness to act before all the facts are in.
This is an exciting year in which you are required to promote yourself in order to take full advantage of the opportunities that await you. There will be increased opportunity to travel and possibly a change of residence. You may be tempted by the desires of the flesh: too much food, alcohol, sex or drugs. Be careful and discriminate. You could make mistakes in these areas.
This can be an unsettling year if you try to cling to outmoded methods or characteristics. This is a year to throw off the old and adopt the new. It is a rebirth and a release after last year's struggle.
Change takes place consistently, and particularly so in April and May. July is a breakthrough, a time to enjoy life. September can be intense, while October requires tact and balance in relationships.

Sun Number 8

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 6
Your Personal Year for 2014 is 6, making this a year of progress and financial advancement. Major career opportunities present themselves now. It is a challenging year in which personal growth is joined with new responsibilities and challenges.
This is a year of domestic responsibility and attention to the needs of family and friends. It is a time of heartfelt emotions and some sacrifice, for comforting and caring. You realize the importance of your place within your community. You will be called upon to help others bear their burdens. It is also often a time when marital issues surface and need attention.
May is an emotional month filled with the promise and the stress of imminent changes. June is a breakthrough and a relief. September brings advancement, but it can also bring health issues to the foreground. October is about self-reflection and readjustments, and December brings a sense of completion and fulfillment.

Sun Number 9

Your Personal Year number for 2014 is 7
You experience a strong tendency to spend more time alone in 2014, to delve inside and find some answers and to reach a better understanding of yourself. This is not a year for social activities nor is it a year to try and reach goals on a material level. You will find that the necessities of daily life seem to be taken care of without requiring much input from you. There is no need to be overly concerned regarding your material needs. This is a year for inner growth; it is your spiritual and mental presence that requires attention.
Improve the quality of your life in 2014. Read, contemplate and gain insight in yourself. Rest and attend to your health. It is during this year that you strengthen the foundation of your life; after all, your success in all matters rests upon the strength of your inner self. A "let go and let God " attitude will make this a fruitful and pleasant year that you may find yourself wondering what you did to deserve this.
January and June are exceptions and do require you to pay attention to your business or career, as well as finances. September gives you a window into your future, while November and December give you a boost in energy that continues into 2015.

Number 9 Predication 2012

>> Friday, June 15, 2012

No.9: 9th, 18th and 27th in any month are termed as No 9 people, ruled by Mars, and Scorpions and Arians too are governed by the fiery planet.
This year you will need to put a tab on being impulsive, impetuous, as Mars also makes you stubborn and inflexible.

Not a very good year for taking risks, although it may be against your nature, you should act diplomatically.

If you feel like it, you usually say it-or struggle terribly to stop yourself. It doesn't matter much whether it's politically correct; you're a big believer in total frankness.

But it may not the right time to open up that can of worms, let that cat out of the bag or to spill those beans.

Be wary of accidents, avoid rash driving. The mantra for you this year is ‘Look before you leap’.

In matters of love and affection, you can make headways if you plan out the holiday you all deserve so much together.

Many hands will make work lighter, so ‘Team-work’ can help.

The good news is that 2013 could well be your number {Read-Year!}

Lucky Months: March, April, October, November and December.

Famous Personalities: Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Chopra, Gulzar and Shatrughan Sinha.

Lucky Colors: Red, crimson or rose, blue, violet, purple

Number 8 Predication 2012

No.8: People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th in any month are termed as Number 8 people, ruled by the planet Saturn. The number 8 rules Capricorns, Aquarians and Librans too.
Despite Saturn that take trials and tribulations, the silver lining is that its judgment is ‘just’ and proportionate to what you deserve.

If 2011 failed to meet your expectations, there is respite in 2012; you may probably wake up in the most amazing mood- the kind of frame of mind that can only be satisfied by doing something that's totally different from the ‘run of the mill’.

It’s time to enjoy what your ‘karmas’ have earned for you; so go on, after a hard years work, you have all the right to let your hair loose, enjoy the book,or film, or the company of a soul-mate.

Being mature all the time will make you feel older; try to rejuvenate, relive the younger days, as this is a youthful year when travel and communication can be the highlight.

Materialistically a good year, manage your own affairs and do not trust others to do your chores, try and manage the major decision-making.

Awry relationships could be mended, with some sincere effort towards reconciliation, starting from your side; making some new and interesting friends looks very likely too, so do not pull yourself back, kyunki life mein hare ek friend zaroori hota hai!

Famous Personalities:John Abraham, Saurav Ganguly, Asha Bhosle, Mother Teresa, Shilpa Shetty, Dharmendra and Dr Manmohan Singh.

Lucky Months: March, May, June, September and October.

Lucky Colors:Blue, cream, white and all light shades.

Number 7 Predication 2012

No.7: People born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month are ruled by the planet Neptune. Cancerians too are ruled by # 7.
Usually, if given an option, you like to go to different places, and have a lust to Travel; Mercury can help you do just that, and you don’t even need much time to pack your bags, for which a moments notice is sufficient too!

Being creative, and a lover of beauty, nature and the outdoors fascinate you.But the good things do come at a price, don’t they?

Nowadays, what doesn’t? Everything has a price tag attached, so brace against an expensive year of some sort.

Do not try to take the stress of relatives and friends, you are not too good to manage your own bag of worries!

Once you go into melancholy feelings, it would take some effort to come out of it.

Listening to your intuitions may help too so trust your instincts more than others; there are so many who can vouch for your sixth-sense!

If you have to blow your own trumpet, and live momentarily on past laurels, then be it!

Records are not broken everyday; your moment of glory will also resurface,Pictur abhi baaki hai mere dost…

Famous Personalities:Katrina Kaif, Dhoni, Saif Ali Khan, Ekta Kapoor and Karan Johar.

Lucky Months:February, June, July and August.

Lucky Colors: Gray, green, blue, cream and white.

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