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Do Your Own Simple Numerology Chart

>> Thursday, May 8, 2014

Do Your Own Simple Numerology Chart

The Numerology Reports that are offered for sale here are very detailed and include more aspects than are listed here. A full profile report is 20+ pages. What I am showing you here is *not* the same. As well as fewer aspects of your number chart being considered the definitions of the numbers are the general, short and sweet version. 

The basics of numerology are quite simple. Yes, there is some addition involved but it's very basic adding and a little subtracting. For this exercise the different ways a birth date can be added is not important, so I am going to proceed with the simplest way.

First thing to note when you are adding a birth date up is that the month has to be converted to it's numerical value (Jan=1, Feb=2, Mar=3, etc.). Using the birth date October 15, 1977...

10 15 1977 - first, simply add all the numbers of the birth date: 

1+0+1+5+1+9+7+7=31 - as this is a double digit, you will add them:


October 16, 1977 reduces to the single digit 4.

The next bit of information you need to calculate your numbers are the numerical value of the letters and they are as follows:

Using my name as an example you would do the following:

Now you have all the information you need to calculate your own numbers! Below gives a list of the main numbers revealed in a numerology chart, how to calculate them, and what area of your life they pertain to. This is all the information you require for a basic Numerology Chart.

Life Path Number: This is the first number any numerologist looks at and is the main number of your chart. The Life Path represents what you are here to learn. Depending on your age at the time of doing this chart you may be well into your lessons and what you're hear to learn is now well into development and the lessons then become traits you have. To calculate your Life Path add up the numbers of your birth date (as shown in the example of how to do the adding).

Life Path 1: You are here to learn about being independence. Being able to stand on your own is important in your life.
Life Path 2: You are here to learn about being cooperative and support to others. Relationships and/or partnerships are important in your life. 
Life Path 3: You are here to learn to express yourself and your creativity. Communication is important in your life.
Life Path 4: You are here to learn practicality and self-discipline. Building stability in your life now for the future is important in your life.
Life Path 5: You are here to learn versatility and freedom. Creating and experiencing change is important in your life.
Life Path 6: You are here to learn community and family responsibility. Nurturing others is important in your life.
Life Path 7: You are here to study, research and learn. Solving life's mysteries is important in your life.
Life Path 8: You are here to learn the balance required between the material and the non-material. Success is important in your life.
Life Path 9: You are here to learn compassion. Making the world a better place is important in your life. 

Expression Number: This is the number determined by adding up the letters of your name and it describes your approach in life. You are advised to use your full name at birth (typically what is on your birth certificate). If you have a different name now (either through marriage or adoption or a name change for any reason) you may want to do two charts, one for each name. You will likely recognize yourself in both sets of numbers. If, for any reason you don't know your name at birth (closed adoption records, for example) you will have to use just the name you have now. 

Expression 1: You have an independent approach to life.
Expression 2: You have a cooperative approach to life.
Expression 3: You have an expressive and creative approach to life.
Expression 4: You have a practical approach to life.
Expression 5: You have a versatile approach to life.
Expression 6: You have a nurturing approach to life.
Expression 7: You have a mindful approach to life.
Expression 8: You have a productive approach to life.
Expression 9: You have a compassionate approach to life.

Heart's Desire Number: This number is determined by the vowels of your name and it describes what you want in life, that which motivates you. We can't talk about the vowels without discussing the letter Y. Sometimes it's a consonant, sometimes it's a vowel. For example, with the name Yvette Young the Y in Yvette is a vowel but the Y in Young is a consonants. Basically, if it sounds like a vowel it is a vowel, otherwise it is a consonant. The silent Y is also a consonant. For example consider the names Cary and Carey. In the case of Cary the Y is a vowel. In the case of Carey the Y is a consonant that simply tells us how to pronounce the proceeding E.

Heart's Desire 1: You want your independence.
Heart's Desire 2: You want interactions with others, relationships/partnerships. 
Heart's Desire 3: You want to express yourself and creativity.
Heart's Desire 4: You want stability.
Heart's Desire 5: You want the freedom to test and taste all that life has to offer.
Heart's Desire 6: You want the perfect home and family.
Heart's Desire 7: You want to explore life's mysteries whether they be scientific, religious or spiritual.
Heart's Desire 8: You want financial/material success.
Heart's Desire 9: You want to make the world a better place for all.

Personality Number: This number is determined by adding the consonants of your name and it describes how you show yourself to the world. It's like the vowels are your inner self, and the consonants your outer self. 

Personality 1: You show yourself as being independent, perfectly capable of handling all on your own.
Personality 2: You show yourself as great support to others.
Personality 3: You show yourself as communicative and optimistic.
Personality 4: You show yourself as practical and self-disciplined.
Personality 5: You show yourself as being free as the birds and not liking to be tied down.
Personality 6: You show yourself as being caring and nurturing.
Personality 7: You show yourself as mindful, always giving thought before taking action.
Personality 8: You show yourself as hardworking and able to manage anything.
Personality 9: You show yourself as a humanitarian who wants to improve the world for all people.

Maturity Number: This number is determined by adding your Life Path Number and your Expression Number and reducing that total to a single digit. This number takes affect around mid-life. Your Life Path is what you're learning, your Expression is just your way of dealing with those lessons. The Maturity number is the culmination of those two numbers.

Maturity 1: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life your independence will be most prominent.
Maturity 2: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be cooperative and supportive towards others.
Maturity 3: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be self-expressive and creative.
Maturity 4: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be practical and self-disciplined.
Maturity 5: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will enjoy of life of personal freedom.
Maturity 6: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will enjoy your home and family nurturing them to the best of your ability.
Maturity 7: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will be mindful and philosophical.
Maturity 8: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will have a nice balance between the material and non-material worlds which will result in your success.
Maturity 9: As a result of your life lessons and approach to them in later life you will have a humanitarian attitude towards life.

Life Path & Expression Bridge:
 This number is determined by subtracting the Life Path and Expression numbers. You will subtract the higher number from the lower number. This "bridge" advises how to handle the difference between your lessons and your approach to them. It is a good number to consider when you are having difficulties handling the lessons of your Life Path.

Bridge 1: Take the initiative more often and stand on your own two feet rather than leaning on others.
Bridge 2: Make more effort to get along with and be supportive of others.
Bridge 3: Don't keep things in, express yourself more. Optimism will help too.
Bridge 4: Be more practical and self-disciplined.
Bridge 5: Be more versatile, accept change, take a chance.
Bridge 6: Be more responsible and nurturing.
Bridge 7: Give more thought to things before taking action.
Bridge 8: Put more energy and effort into things. Get organized.
Bridge 9: Be more giving and consider how best to help/serve everyone involved.

Karmic Lesson(s):
 This number is determined by noticing what numbers are missing from your name. It is possible to have more than one karmic lesson. The missing numbers from your name indicate areas of weakness that you will want to strengthen.

Karmic 1: Strengthen your independence.
Karmic 2: Strengthen your ability to be supportive of others and do get along.
Karmic 3: Strengthen your communication skills and creativity.
Karmic 4: Strengthen your practical side.
Karmic 5: Strengthen your acceptance of change.
Karmic 6: Strengthen your sense of duty/responsibility.
Karmic 7: Strengthen your mind. 
Karmic 8: Strengthen your ambition and drive.
Karmic 9: Strengthen you consideration of others.

Hidden Passion Number: 
This number is determined by noticing which number you have the most of in your name. If you do not have a single number the holds the position of being the most numbers then you do not have a specific hidden passion. This number is a hidden strength that you will turn to when nothing else is working for you. 

Hidden Passion 1: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to attend to matters on your own.
Hidden Passion 2: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be cooperative with others.
Hidden Passion 3: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be expressive.
Hidden Passion 4: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be practical.
Hidden Passion 5: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be versatile and accepting of change.
Hidden Passion 6: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to be responsible (dutiful) and nurturing.
Hidden Passion 7: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to give much thought before taking action.
Hidden Passion 8: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to take charge and get the job done.
Hidden Passion 9: When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to see the big picture and proceed in a way that is best for all involved.

Personal Year:
 This number is determined by adding the day and month of your birth to the current year and describes the general feel of this year for you.  
Personal Month: 
This number is determined by adding your Personal Year number to the current month and describes the general feel of that month for you.
Personal Day: 
This number is determined by adding the reduced number of the day in question to the Personal Month and describes the general feel of that day for you.

Personal Cycle 1: New starts, opportunities, independence, starting anew.
Personal Cycle 2: A quiet time, consolidating, cooperating, teamwork.
Personal Cycle 3: Entertainment, self-expression, sociability, travel.
Personal Cycle 4: Laying plans, practicality, organization, working hard.
Personal Cycle 5: Exciting changes, freedom, communication, travel.
Personal Cycle 6: Home activities, creativity, responsibilities, marriage.
Personal Cycle 7: Inner searching, study, rest, unexpected surprises.
Personal Cycle 8: Material success or failure (what you sow is what you reap), independence, goals can be achieved.
Personal Cycle 9: Humanitarian matters, idealism, endings, high drama.

Here is a sample chart or report for Oprah Winfrey

Name: Oprah Gail Winfrey
Birth date: January 29, 1954

Life Path Number: 1 29 1954=31/4
Oprah is here to learn practicality and self-discipline. Building stability in her life now for the future is important in her life.

Name Numbers Calculations:

Expression 7: Oprah has a mindful approach to life.
Heart's Desire 4: Oprah wants stability in her life.
Personality 3: Oprah shows her self as communicative and optimistic.

Maturity Number: LP4+Exp7 = 11/2
As a result of Oprah's life lessons and approach to them in later life she has become cooperative and supportive towards others.

Bridge Number: Exp7 - LP4 = 3
Oprah should not keep things in, but rather express herself more. Being optimistic will help her too. (Note: this is the same as her Personality Number, she probably never actually needed this advise in her life as she does this anyway - at least when she is with others.)

Karmic Lessons: 2 & 4 (both numbers are missing from the letters of Oprah's name)
Karmic 2: Oprah will improve her life by strengthening her ability to be supportive of others and to get along.
Karmic 4: Strengthen your practical side. (As this is the same as Oprah's Life Path # the odds are in her favor of strengthening this - at least life is going to present her with many opportunities to do so.)

Hidden Passion: 9 (most common number in the letters of Oprah's name)
When nothing else is working you tend to lean on your hidden ability to see the big picture and proceed in a way that is best for all involved.

Personal Year (2012): 1 29 2012 = 8
Personal Cycle 8: Material success or failure (what you sow is what you reap), independence, goals can be achieved.


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