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Number 9 Predication 2012

>> Friday, June 15, 2012

No.9: 9th, 18th and 27th in any month are termed as No 9 people, ruled by Mars, and Scorpions and Arians too are governed by the fiery planet.
This year you will need to put a tab on being impulsive, impetuous, as Mars also makes you stubborn and inflexible.

Not a very good year for taking risks, although it may be against your nature, you should act diplomatically.

If you feel like it, you usually say it-or struggle terribly to stop yourself. It doesn't matter much whether it's politically correct; you're a big believer in total frankness.

But it may not the right time to open up that can of worms, let that cat out of the bag or to spill those beans.

Be wary of accidents, avoid rash driving. The mantra for you this year is ‘Look before you leap’.

In matters of love and affection, you can make headways if you plan out the holiday you all deserve so much together.

Many hands will make work lighter, so ‘Team-work’ can help.

The good news is that 2013 could well be your number {Read-Year!}

Lucky Months: March, April, October, November and December.

Famous Personalities: Akshay Kumar, Salman Khan, Sonia Gandhi, Priyanka Chopra, Gulzar and Shatrughan Sinha.

Lucky Colors: Red, crimson or rose, blue, violet, purple


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