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Number 3 Predication 2012

>> Friday, June 15, 2012

No. 3: People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month are ruled by the biggest planet Jupiter, which also influences Pisceans and Sagittarians.

Jupiter, one of the most powerful and potent planets makes one particularly ambitious.

Not satisfied with ‘ordinary’ or ‘subordinate’ positions you will aspire to rise in the world, to have control and authority over others.

On the financial plane, a decent year, especially if you will learn to blend and adapt according to the demand of the particular situation.

However, if you are rigid and choose Ego over practicality, then you will have to face pay the price; so try to learn which way the wind is blowing, to turn the tables in your favor.

On the home front, yes you love your family, this year try to show it and be patient and tolerant towards your loved ones, however difficult they behave. Eventually, they will look up to you

In matters of health, try not to worry unnecessarily or unduly.

Jupiter will sooner or little later put you back in the saddle!

Famous Personalities: Warren Buffet, Rajnikanth, Sharad Pawar, Tom Cruise,Harbhajan and Yuvraj Singh.

Lucky Months: March, May, October, November and December.

Lucky colors: Purple, violet, blue, and pink.


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