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Qualities of the "first Letter" in your Names (First / Middle / Last Names):

>> Sunday, November 20, 2011


As per your name, it gives the desire to climb the ladder of the life map. This has the force to develop strong will power. This is more a constructive one. Direct and positive sides of the mind are seen. A certain amount of reservations are also seen.


As per your name, this is purely a self sufficient one. This can give the capacity to keep the inner thoughts. Not many come into contact and share your confidence. This is more an emotional one and makes you to be a man of moods. This gives certain amount of shyness and generally you are fish out of water in new places. This makes you a storehouse of knowledge.


As per your name, it is the imaginative one and develops this aspect of the mind. Energy and activity are also indicated by this. The mind is generally working always and even when there is bodily relaxation there is no relaxation for the mind. Restriction gives much pain and busy life is more pleasant. This also deals with the restlessness of nature.


As per your name, it indicates self-sufficiency. There will be a few who will be sharing your full confidence. This can also give a certain amount of physical effort. There will be an attachment for material prosperity. This gives importance to prestige. However, when there is an emergency, you will be more slow. The root cause for birth is desire which starts from your name letter D.


As per your name, this develops a tendency to look forward to the future. You will have manifold contacts.


As per your name, it indicates more devotion and affection and a certain amount of stubborn nature. This gives attachment to children and home. Simplicity and fixity of quiet life are also indicated. Even in strained circumstances and trials, you will be preserving harmony.


As per your name, it indicates flexibility. This gives many new ideas to the mind with prior reasoning. Impulsiveness is also shown by this. Introspection and self-analysis are with this but it is good to have a proper control over emotion, though success is denoted by following your own inspiration.


As per your name, it indicates calmness. It also indicates Man and God and the link between the two. Self-reliance is also indicated by this. Though for outward appearance, you look hard-hearted, in fact, softness is more indicated. It has got more divinity.


As per your name, it indicates more egoism though it gives alertness and self-reliance. This gives the power to lay down what you feel and know to be right. Extreme impulsiveness and emotional spirit are indicated. This gives energy when there is opposition.


As per your name, it is of movement and finds fresh friends. This gives the faculty to analyze the pros and cons of an issue. This has the creative faculties and more originality. If you are able to attend one plan after another, success is got.


As per your name, it has got higher significance. In normal walk of life, mind seeks changes. This can help to develop intuitional faculties if cultivated. Reverses will turn into good.


As per your name, it symbolizes philosophy and common sense. Reasoning faculty to put forth the arguments in convincing manner is indicated. This deals with the straightforward nature. It has got divinity also.


As per your name, it has up and down motion, indicating moods. Stubborn nature and fixity are shown by this. This shows higher stages.


As per your name, it indicates more unsteady nature and the individual is likely to do things by fits and starts. The stroke is written upward and downward which indicates the rise, fall and again rise in the life map. At some period, everything will be unfavorable.


As per your name, it indicates that which is full and supreme. This helps you to have secrecy and hide yourself from outside intervention. This increases the power and increasing quality is with this name. You are likely to exaggerate your adverse circumstances of delays that are faced. You are more conservative in outlook.


As per your name, separation in temperament is the important point of this and even in the midst of busy atmosphere, calmness can be got. Even when trials are given by others, you are not likely to show your mental reaction as to how deep that particular remark has affected your mind. It may bestow higher wisdom.


As per your name, it indicates level-headedness and more of determined and fixed views. This gives the power to resist and fight to the last till success is got.


As per your name, it likes to show its presence everywhere as an advisor. Humanitarian deeds and constructive ideas are seen.


As per your name, it indicates a certain amount of inconsistency of thought and in spite of maximum efforts to secure a balanced life, it seems often difficult to get at it. Mind is likely to get confused often and unable to get at the correct thing.


As per your name, it is a strong note of forcible expression. Higher stages of the mental plane are denoted by this name letter. Sharing with others and sincerity are also seen. This is also otherwise Sacred Cross and the Lord Jesus.


As per your name, it is more of changing attitude. Attraction to higher form of life and to seek the truth is always in the mind. Self-confidence is doubted.


As per your name, it gives receptive nature. What you will learn will be put into action for making money.


As per your name, it indicates more details and you will do things thoroughly. You are likely to attempt many things in life. When working in the proper direction, power is seen. After trials in the earlier period, you will come up.


As per your name, it is an important letter and makes you to have moods of depression and conservative in mental outlook.


As per your name, it indicates the desire for solitude and does not like to share the thoughts with others. This gives more softness to the mind.


As per your name, it indicates strong and resolute temperament. When you get into a particular groove of thought, generally you do not change it. There is organizing capacity but it is spent for the welfare of others.


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