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Number 8

>> Saturday, October 23, 2010

Number 8


You‘re focused on learning the satisfactions to be found in the material
world. You can be powerful, confident and materially successful. You are
apt to be very independent, forceful and competitive. Your routine is
involved in practical, down-to-earth affairs, and there is relatively little
time for dreams and visions. You will want to use your ambitions, your
organizational ability, and your efficient approach to carve a satisfying
niche for yourself. Most of your concerns involve money and learning of
the power that comes with its proper manipulation.

You are concerned with status, as an accompaniment to material success.
If you are a positive person, you are endowed with tremendous potential
for conceiving far-reaching schemes and ideas. You also have the tenacity
and independence to follow through with your ideas. In short, you are
well-equipped for competition in the business world or in other
competitive fields of endeavor.

You know how to manage yourself and your environment. You are
practical and steady in your pursuit of major objectives, and you have the
courage of your convictions when it comes to taking the necessary
chances to get ahead.


You can be dictatorial and often suppress the enthusiasm and efforts of
fellow members of the environment. Often, the strength of your own
personality excludes close feelings for other people with whom you come
in contact. Material gains and rewards often become issues of utmost
importance, even to the neglect of family, home and peace of mind.

Dedication to success can become an obsession. Emotional feelings are
often suppressed, resulting in isolation and loneliness. You must avoid
discounting the opinions of others.


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