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Number 4

>> Saturday, October 23, 2010

Number 4


You are trustworthy, practical, down-to-earth and are a cornerstone
member of society. You take orders and carry them out with dedication
and perseverance. You always demand as much from yourself as you do
from others, and sometimes a lot more. You have the kind of will power
that is often mistaken for sheer stubbornness. Once a decision is made, it
will be followed through to the conclusion, right, wrong, or indifferent. You
are very set in your ways and determined to handle things the way you
feel they should be handled. Your tenacity of purpose and ability to get
the job done borders on obsession.

 You are an excellent organizer and planner because of your innate ability
to view things in a very practical way. You are a wonderful manager with
a great sense of how to get the job done.

Loyal and devoted, you make the best of your marriage, and you are a
dependable business partner. Friends may be few in number, but you are
very close to them and once friendships are made, they often last a

You are solidly associated with the element of earth which gives you
strength and utter sense of reality. You are one of the most dependable
people you know. If patience and determination can ever win, you are
sure to achieve great success in life.


You can be dogmatic, narrow-minded, and repressive. A lot of skin-deep
people turn you off, and you lack the tact to keep your feelings from being
totally clear to all around. Additionally, you have a bad tendency to get
too caught up in the daily routine of affairs and often miss the big picture
and major opportunities that come along once in a while.


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